McFeels and Halberstram are finally back for regularly scheduled Sunday FTN programming to discuss the latest on the looming shutdown fight over wall funding, deal-making with Mexico on the caravan, new NAFTA, a prelude of the forthcoming Mueller probe deep-dive next week with McFeels and Ethnog, the Comey subpoena, Yellow Jackets, Bush 41, Romney’s duplicitous 2020 plans, and more. If it’s Sunday, it’s FTN!
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Welcome Back
00:04:00 - Day of Infamy
00:18:00 - Black-Pilled Frijoles
00:27:00 - New NAFTA: All or Nothing?
00:32:00 - Mueller Probe Deep-Dive Prelude
01:03:00 - Comey Boxed In
01:13:00 - Kelly on the Outs
01:18:00 - Europa Report
01:28:00 - Comey Breaking News/Yellow Jackets
01:54:00 - Bush 41's Israeli Undoing
02:22:00 - Romney's 2020 Strategy
02:36:00 - Judicial Nominees
02:42:00 - Outro