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Welcome to Episode 26 of STRIKE and MIKE! On today's show Enoch and Striker go over some of the greatest hits on the JQ, the culture war and international ZOG subversion. We finish it out with a discussion of the Gunn firing and the increasing trend of pedophile jokes among elite entertainers, particularly those that create content for children.
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- Andrew Marantz sends Mike an old study that shows Jews are against amnesty
- What Immigration Patriots get wrong about the JQ
- Sean Last on the JQ
- Hysterics about Rudyard Kipling: Liberal Universalism fails
- GOP state representative pulls down pants and offers ass to Jewish master
- Neo-Contras: How the J-left/Globohomo is trying to overthrow the Sandinistas, Maduro, and the Iranian government for ZOG
- Capitalism and culture: Why they don’t sell Christian e-books
- Problems of Catholicism and Protestantism
- Josh Hader vs James Gunn: If racist jokes normalize racism, what do child rape jokes do?
- The push to normalize pedophilia in the 60s and 70s, this is nothing new
- Cernovich: what does the James Gunn firing mean for the alt-light and alt-right?
- Why Ben Shapiro doesn't want you to fight the J-left
Today's music is "The Stranger V2" original poem by Rudyard Kipling, read by Mark Brahmin, music by Xurious.