The Death Panel are a little hung over from all the fried chicken and Hennessy they enjoyed on the highest holiday in the Cuckservative calendar. Featuring Le Chateau Autiste and The Merchant Minute.
Death Panelists: Seventh Son, Mike Enoch, Lawrence Murray, Ghoul, Breck Magnus, Hateful Heretic
[Time Stamps are APPROXIMATE until I figure out why they aren't working -SS]
- 0:00 INTRO/D'Nations
- 15:30 MLK Jr Day
- 36:00 Flint, MI's poisoned water
- 57:00 BREAKING NEWS: Alt-Right on MSNBC
- 1:27:00 Civil Rights Movement as empty as #BLM
- 1:50:30 MLK and Zionism
- 2:02:00 When Skin Color Matches Character
- 2:16:00 Le Chateau Autiste
- 2:22:45 The (((Fap Phonebooth)))
- 2:27:30 OPEC, Iran, and NeoCohens
- 2:53:20 The Merchant Minute